
Virtual File System

A virtual file system (VFS) is an abstraction layer in an operating system that allows various types of file systems to be accessed and managed through a consistent and unified interface. It enables applications and users to interact with files and directories regardless of their physical storage or file system format.

The virtual file system is based on afero

v := vfs.New() //vfs implements afero.Fs

v.Mount("/", afero.NewMemMapFs()) //second prameter could be any afero.Fs
v.Mount("/abc", afero.NewMemMapFs())
v.Mount("/a/b/c/d", afero.NewMemMapFs())

f,err := v.Create("/a/test.txt") // Creat file, for all functions see https://github.com/spf13/afero#list-of-all-available-functions

You can mount different kinds of file systems into different paths.

Github: https://github.com/goxiaoy/vfs

You can change configuration like

public_url: http://localhost/assets
mount_path: "/"
dir: ".assets"
public_url: http://xxx.s3.amazon.xxxxx
mount_path: "/s3"
region: "xxx"
key: "xxx"

Kit supports there kinds of file systems currently

  • memory: in memory
  • os: use os pkg
  • s3: amazon s3 compatible file system