
Background Job

A background job, also known as a background task or asynchronous task, refers to a process or piece of work that is executed independently and concurrently with the main execution flow of a software application or system. You can use background job to do tasks like sending emails, long-run data analysis.

The implementation of background job is based on asynq


job.Server implements kratos transport.Server You can apply middleware pattern to job.Server

import (
klog "github.com/go-kratos/kratos/v2/log"

func NewJobServer(opt asynq.RedisConnOpt, log klog.Logger, handlers []*job.Handler) *job.Server {
// set queue
srv := job.NewServer(opt, job.WithQueues(map[string]int{
string(biz.ConnName): 1,
srv.Use(job.TracingServer(), job.Logging(log))
job.RegisterHandlers(srv, handlers...)
return srv


The default ui is exposed in sys module
